Your success is our success.
Your success is our success.

Insights & Resources

We have written a number of guides designed to help you on your business and financial journey. Please feel free to download and read them. We welcome your feedback and questions.

Preparing Your Business For Growth

Minimising Your Tax

Starting Your Own Business

Selling Your Business


How to create a forecast for your business

VBA shows you how to create a forecast for your business and track key financial performance measures - profitability, assets, liabilities and equity as well as business cash flows.


Business tax planning strategies checklist

VBA can help you minimise the tax your business will pay with 16 business tax planning strategies to implement on or before 30 June 2019.


Switching on your business brain

To grow a successful business, it is critical that you understand what drives its financial performance and measure that on a regular basis. VBA can help you switch on your business brain.


Key strategies to minimise your capital gains tax

VBA can advise you on how to minimise the amount of tax you pay on the sale of your assets to increase the cash in your pocket.


Is a Self-Managed Superannuation Fund the right choice?

Choosing to take your super into your own hands is a popular option but is it the right choice for you? VBA has detailed 5 considerations for the SMSF journey.


5 key considerations when preparing business for sale

After many years of running a business, there comes a time when the urge to sell up and move on may strike. VBA recommends these things to consider when selling a business.


What does your accountant do with your end-of-year taxes?

End-of-year taxes are straightforward when you have a trusted accountant on your side. VBA ensures your end-of-year taxes are complete and compliant.


The right investment structures can protect your wealth

The right investment structure can help protect your wealth and minimise tax obligations. VBA talks about the best investment structure for you.
